Our Olx android app clone is built to perform better user experience and is a brand builder. Member can have their profile to maintain name, id, and password modifications. After completing the registration forms, you will direct to the home page where the ad list is shown with grouping designation. Navigation panels like home, my ads, profile and log out quick routes are integrated to move further. On moving to product view: in the product section, it will show the full list of the product’s name, images, price, location, date added. If you desire to buy the products make a call to the owner of the product who listed by clicking “make phone call” button. In case, if you face any query directly send submit a query to the related product by clicking “Send Enquiry” button.
Being a merchant who considering to sell their products you can make a deal with the website owner and get a profile to promote your deals. A brand access prevails to the admin dashboard, the admin will control the entire process of Classified Ads Android App. A brand admin access control all functionalities of classifieds portal. Prominent features like user supervision, product management, category grouping, products stats, location access, payment transactions, and CMS management etc.
Built by full stack android developer with the android studio, our Classified Ads Posting App package includes power packed native android source code, front-end XML, JAVA whereas MySQL, PHP on the backend. OLX clone .apk is ready for sale and mount straightaway, a dream website comes into reality from our steadfast android developer crew. If you were interested to purchase our android application we grant to provide technical support for site maintenance also this is one-time payment, not a monthly or yearly to redeem the code.
If you still have any queries, feel free to contact us.
You can reach us at support@phpscriptsmall.com
Anthony Mic
Some other important features are added in OLX Clone App. It’s bug free sites
Very good team play! Spontaneous help from customer team and development team
John Daniel
I have satisfied with this OLX Clone Android App..