Classified Ads PHP Script is a brand new script where we integrated many advanced features within it to manage the number of categories added into it to manage the post on the specified kind of group. Classified Ads Script is specially designed for the seller to include their service of business about any type of business with their elaborated title, description, image, Price depending upon the category, a location where the geographical area is present have to be specified and edit or delete it and users can share it on social media.
Our Classified Directory Script developed with a wide range of categories such as vehicle, accessories, mobile, fashion, home decoration and jobs etc.., the features of our scripts is search option based on the location and keywords, easy product listing and management. Also, a user can able to claim the post then after receiving it. We integrated Google map integration that can search product based on the geo-location and map it to view the nearby sellers by filter options.
In Open Source Classifieds Scripts, admin can able to control the entire control deal within the site and the users and business owners who posted in it to manage their activities and have rights to approve or disapprove their profile. For a better profit income we included banner advisements, membership plan and features products option, Google AdSense. With a responsive design, throughout the script, it is optimized for the SEO friendly with search engines to take up your website by keeping it consistently ever. We are offering 1-year technical support and 6-month free update to make your business more improve by clarifying your queries in assistance by our 24×7 support team.
Stewart North
Talented coding team and the designers. Multipurpose classifieds script is useful for listings services of various business concepts.
Julian Ross
I’m glad to have services from PHP Scripts Mall. Installation, software and their support, it has been top notch.
Nicholas Walker
Team was very patient and very helpful with me. I will definitely continue my work in future with them.