Car classified software is also considered as PHP classified ads listing software solution that is planned for broker, agents and auto owners to promote their services and products. If you are one of dealers, car and rent trader who offer and sell rent cars for a living or if you want to start selling your vehicles on online, we will offer you with our ads listings Script with multi-language support. Our software solution has the ability to use language text file that can be easily and quickly translated to any language. If you’ve been searching car classifieds script spontaneously that will help you to manage your car inventory much easier and earn more money through paid listings, you have to take a better and closer look to our car dealer website software.
You can add, edit and delete car listings on your website, or let car dealers and vendors to submit and manage their own car inventory. It has multiple languages, can add various languages to your dealer site, admin can edit languages, change text buttons, titles etc., optimize your site as the search engine is using SEO-friendly URLs and add meta tags for car listing pages. Car dealers can register on your car dealer website and they can edit their profile information and add car listings on your website. Search & compare; our website visitors can easily find out what they are looking for thanks to the multi-criteria search, the sorting options and a comparison table.
Multiple payment lists are followed in admin panel, you can charge different prices based on the features of the ads. This includes a number of images, characters, number of days until the listing expires and featured ads. You can add multiple sets; it is useful if you want to add cars & motorcycles in the same type, for example. You can edit different lists and make the models for each car. You can keep an ad inactive after posting it and manually activate an ad after checking it. Banner ad supports image banners and code banners.
Apart from all these, we provide our clients with the full source code along with 1 year of technical support, free updates for the source code for 6 months upon purchase of the script, and the product is absolutely brand-free.
Advanced features:
Search option:
- Car model.
- Make.
- Price.
- Mileage.
- YOR.
Car listing management:
- Car gallery.
- Car specification.
- Owner contact detail.
- Enquiry form.
- Social sharing.
Dealers’ management.
- View profile.
- Contact detail.
Product management:
- View gallery.
- Product description.
- Product review.
- Add to cart.
Cart management:
- Update cart.
- Apply coupon.
- Checkout.
- Billing details.
- Payment details.
- Order confirmation.
Cart management:
- Update cart.
- Apply coupon.
- Checkout.
- Billing details.
- Payment details.
- Order confirmation.
- Category management.
- Add product/service.
- Merchant directory.
- Promotion management.
- Car listing management.
- CMS management.
- Detailed dashboard.
- Responsive design.
- Dynamic contact form
- User friendly general settings.
Cache features
- High speed download.
- Optimized CSS features.
- Browser cache management.
SEO features
- Title & meta format update through admin.
- 404 page notification.
- 301 reductions.
- Social media link updation.
If you still have any queries, feel free to contact us. We would be happy to help you out.
For further enquiries,
Great script with a lot of features and good customer support.
Excellent documentation, customer support, design. Great work!
Sundar Raj
Would highly recommend entrepreneur car classified script. They have great advanced script and awesome support staff!