Our web based theater booking script assists multiple screens with multiple tickets booking and different time zones for different movies. This readymade theater booking software has a powerful admin panel, so you can take control over the movie and decide when the particular movie has to be run. It also controls the collection details like employee collection details and screen collection details in daily basis, weekly basis and monthly basis manner. This script has a responsive design, so it can be accessed from almost all the devices and has user-friendly navigation.
We are aware that there are hundreds of similar kinds of products in the market, then again, our products are unique and we assure with our 12 years of experience and 100+ customers. We have offered 7000 man hours for this product. We know that almost all the theatre owners and operators do not have technical knowledge that is why we also provide 1 year of technical support, free updates for the source code for 6 months. We will provide you with the full source code upon purchase of the script and your website will go live within the next 24 hours.
Advanced features:
User view:
Profile management
- Edit and manage profile
- Reset password
- Booking history
Search option
- Select by movie
- Select by date
- Select by event
Movie management
- Filter by language
- Movie description
- Trailers
- Brochure
- Buy ticket
- Availability detail
- Checkout
- Ticket from mail
Event management
- Filter by language
- Event detail
- Event description
- Book tickets
- Confirm contact details
- Payment
- Ticket from mail
Trailer management
- Filter by language
- View trailer
- View trailer description
- View trailer details
- View upcoming trailer detail
- Social sharing
- CMS management
- Upcoming movies
Theatre admin view:
Dashboard management
- Statistic
Booking management
- Book a ticket
- View the detail by
- Movie
- Screen
- Theatre
- View booked detail
Movie management:
- Add movie
- Manage movie
- Search option
Theatre management:
- Add theatre
- Manage theatre
- Search option
Counter management:
- Add counter
- Manage counter
- Search for a counter
Food management:
- View food and drink details.
- Manage food and drink detail
- Search option
Event counter view:
- Plays
- Booking counter
Booking history
- Search option
- Statistic
- Manage booking detail
Find ticket
- Manage ticket
Theatre counter view:
- Plays
- Booking counter
Booking history
- Search option
- Statistic
- Manage booking detail
Find ticket
- Manage ticket
Admin view:
- Statistic details
User management
- User detail
- Add/ remove user detail
User enquiry management
- View user enquiry
- Manage user enquiry
- Reply to the enquiry
- Search for an enquiry
Theatre management
- Add theatre admin
- Manage theatre admin
- Search option
Booking management
- Book a ticket
- View the detail by
- Movie
- Screen
- Theatre
- Seat blocking management
- Discount code
- View booked detail
- Events report
- Revenue
- Seating report
Movie management
- Add movie
- Manage movie
- Movie schedule
- Search option
Events management
- Add event
- Manage event
- Event schedule
- Search option
Counter management
- Add counter
- Manage counter
- Search for a counter
Site setting
- General setting
- Countries
- Languages
- Discount
- Banner ads
News management
- Add news
- Manage news
- Search option
Food management
- View food and drink details
- Manage food and drink detail
- Search option
- Seating layout management
- Location management
- Banner ads management
- CMS management
Please check our other Online Booking Scripts Click here
If you still have any queries, feel free to contact us.
You can reach us at support@phpscriptsmall.com
I was searching for a script like this for so long time and finally I have landed in a good place with all the pleasures. I thank God for showing me this script. The customer support team is well organized and available all the time to solve the issues of mine. It has good design also.
This script boosts my sales 200% up! These guys was done professional job!
Absolutely I’m satisfied with their work. They were very flexible turnaround times were good, and there were no bugs to found on this script