100% Responsive Layout
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly
Optimized for Fast Loading
Compatible with all major browsers (IE 8+ , Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome)
Tabless HTML mark-up.
XHTML 1 .0 Strict valid.
CSS 3 .0 valid.
Unlimited Colors
WordPress 3.8+ Ready
Revolution Slider($15)
Easy Widget Posotioning
9 Post Formats (Standard, Aside, Audio, Link, Image, Gallery, Quote, Status, Video)
Prototype and Jquery based Javascript (avoid javascript confliction).
Well-structured and commented HTML & CSS for easy customization.
installing document
and much more..
WooCommerce 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x WordPress 3.8, 3.9, 4.x
WordPress, WooCommerce 2.3.x
Files Included:
CSS, HTML, Images, Javascript, PHP
Compatible Browsers:
Chrome, Firefox, IE7, IE8, IE9, Opera, Safari
Why you need to buy with us:
Solid Code Quality
Incredible 1 year Free TEchnical Support
Responsive Design
Next 6 months Free update
WordPress 4.2.1 Compatible
Search Engine Optimized
Cross-browser Compatible
Just a very well made and beautiful looking theme I just love it. Not much hassle, just plain and simple for creating a nice blog. The customer support is outstanding. Getting back to you very quick and helping you until is resolved. I can highly recommend this theme.
Awesome support, great script. No disapointance by my side!!!
With this script I was able to posts all my views which I experience it in my life. I got a good number of fan followers. I maintained my dignity in the society. It was quite enjoying with this script. I was able to customize the blog according to much, which is my most favorable part in it. I thank the entire team who are behind this blog.
If you’re trying to brand yourself as creative the personal blog is no doubt the way to go. No other blog theme even comes close. I was having some difficulties setting everything up and the support was right there to guide me the whole way through!!!!!