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Total Sold 43
Released Date 03/01/2017
Last Updated 04/09/2020
Latest Version 2.0.5
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Currency converter script

(3 customer reviews)

Currency Converter PHP Script is mainly designed to convert one currency into the relative values of other corresponding currency. Our converter script is user-friendly, powerful, and simple to use for all the traders. Our Currency Converter PHP Script is the world fastest currency converter with currency exchange rates. Our script provides live currency rate for every country in the world. The user can convert one currency rate into any currency rate. In down of the website, the user can see the most popular currencies with country, symbol, short form, and the currency value.

User Demo Download Document

The working process of our script is, the user needs to enter the amount of money which need to covert and choose the corresponding currency value which needs to change and click the calculator button. After that, the user can see the currency rate. The Data for our currency converter comes from over 18 sources and exchanges the worldwide.

The main features of our Real Time Currency Converter Script are completely transparent, superfast currency converter, secure source code, attractive user interface, worldwide accepted, Blog with latest news, and more on. The benefits of our Money Currency Converter Script are full control, fast and convenient, regulated, safe and secure, instant converter, support the network and many others. The code of the script is developed according to the Google algorithm, its code is more secure and safe to use.

The main advantages of our script is mobile responsive, so the site can be viewed in all type of mobile devices, laptops, desktops, and tablets. The Currency Exchange Rate Script is developed in PHP and MySQL with 100% secure code. So it’s safe from hackers and malware. We are the leading web design and development company, providing different types of the scripts to the clients at the cheap price and beat features. We have well experience and innovative developers for developing the script with the latest technology and trends. The customization Live Currency Converter Script is possible according to the customer business goals and needs.

We provide extra beneficial for our currency script are 1-year technical support, 6 month free updates of source code and brand free site. After purchasing the script the site will be live within 24 hours. We are the right place to deliver the best Real Time Currency Converter Script to the clients.


For use on any personal, commercial, or client projects.

Hosting Requirements

MySQL 5.0 or higher, Apache module, PHP 5.3 or higher, Linux Server


Core PHP


Currency Rate Converter, Current Rates, Ads & Sponsors, Rates graph

Server Requirements

Apache 2.2.x


PHP, MySQL, Javascript, Ajax ,HTML


1 Year Technical Support, 6 Months free update, Brand Name Removal

Domain Usage

Unlimited domain with source code

Payment Type

One time Payment :- Once you send the full payment we will give you the entire script files to you, there after you don’t want to pay any thing.

Delivery Time

We will Send the Download Link to you Within 24 hrs On Working Days(Monday- Friday) And the scripts will deliver within 48 hours On Weekend(Saturday -Sunday)

3 reviews for Currency converter script

  1. Augustin

    They were responsive, flexible, features and I had much functionality on this script.

  2. Duncan

    I would like to thank you very much for providing this script. They are gives good customer support, client response and awesome script functionalities and features. It looks really professional and every feature was worked professionally, quickly and efficiently.

  3. Antwan

    Amazing service yet again – excellent script and support from everyone at PHP Scripts Mall. I’ve always been pleased with PHP Scripts Mall because their people are very supportive and guided me for my project.

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