Start your successful MMM Donation Plan Software business and get a complete website by using our multi-level marketing software. The user can have a clear dashboard with the total number of referrals, donations sent and donation received. The user has to purchase E-Pin which needs to donate upline users.
In this MMM Helping Plan genealogy, the downline users list can be easily maintained in the dashboard. The users can modify their profile settings by adding the profile images, changing passwords, and other general settings, etc. The E-Pin return amount can be monitored and it is easy to retrieve the data. The donation amounts are sent to the respective users by bank transfer. The user can refer to other users by using their referral link. In the system the downline users are needs to active performance, the upline users can get revenue from the users. With a little patience, time an money would help to build and effective donation model that may become a source of steady and solid income.
The MMM Script has the top-notch managing admin side panel, all the accessibility of the system is managed by the admin side. The admin has authenticated login portals to avoid unauthorized users. In the admin dashboard, the system admin can find the total number of users, active users, and inactive users and approved donations. The site settings can also be managed by the admin like general settings, CMS, Testimonials, and sliders, etc. Multi-level marketing certainly gives you total freedom, right from the financial aspect to job security and you will definitely have total control over your schedule, work anytime from anywhere by using through the internet. With over 15+ years of experience in the field of MLM development PHP Scripts Mall offers you bug-free source code with 1-year tech support and 6 months software update to the clients.
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