In this system, the user needs to pay the admin fee and need to choose the basic package to register in the system. By registering in the system the user can login to the site. The user needs to provide the valid E-mail Id and password to login to the site. If the user forgot the password he/she can change the password by clicking forgot password option and reset it by the email or phone number. In this model, the user needs to choose the basic plan to register into the site.
P2P MLM Structure:
The MLM site is created as 2X2 matrix structure, spillover top to bottom, left to right. In the top to the bottom tree, the user can refer only 2 users in the level 1 and in the level 2, they can refer four users, totally the user can refer 6 downline users to complete a single tree. After completing the single tree, the user can rejoin or get reentry into another tree and also they can get another two levels, it is the left to right concept. In the peer to peer donation MLM, the user can refer n number of users. In this structure, the user needs to refer two downline users to start a tree. After completing the successful registration, the user requires to donate the two upline users. By donating the amount to the upline users, the downline user needs to send the screenshots of payment to the upline user. After getting the approval upline user the downline user can get into the further process.
Rejoining and E-pin token system:
Here the user can rejoin into the system by submitting their profile ID. As the registration process, the user can choose the basic package or some other package. By providing their complete details including the profile ID, bank details, email, phone to fetch all the previous record with the same placement ID; and he will get another two levels. We have implemented the E-pin token which is needed for the user to add the new downline user and the upline user can purchase the token based on the membership. For the multiple memberships, the upline user needs to buy the E-pin token, the token has only generated by the admin.
Efficient Dashboard Management:
The user can view and manage their profile, news, event management, etc; and the user can view the downline users in the binary tree view, the tree has the user details and the downline user count. The admin can manage the whole systems of the site, he can manage profile management, report management, and all the management systems can be controlled by the admin. In this peer to peer software, we have used the Payu money offline payment gateway for the most secure payment between the users. We are the most experienced software development company having more than 15 years of experience.
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